News Letter - Feb/09
Posted on Jan 20th, 2009

February 2009
Cold yet? It was even colder in the Percy house after a rough month of January football with the Colts losing, Carolina Panthers taking a beating, and Alabama losing to Utah in the Sugar bowl. I guess that is why the game is played – you just never know what will happen. The following subjects are addressed below: budget, website, landscaping, crime watch, committees, and my favorite pools, ponds, sprinklers, and misc. Enjoy and as always let us know if you have any questions.
Budget is on track and reorganized to see capital expenditures. This was an important step to ensure the foundation is established for funding future capital projects. As a reminder your April dues statement you will see a $10 increase. Five of the $10 dollars is being used in the operating budget and the other five went into capital improvement.
I am finding the website is a valuable tool for the board to be able to communicate and be transparent. January, I sent out several emails concerning Burglaries in the surrounding neighborhoods. My ability to quickly send that information from the Carmel Police department through our Crime Watch Captain was extremely valued.
As of mid-January we have 119 registered out of the 221 homes. If you are not register I would strongly encourage it. It is easy to do, just go to and click on register. From there it is self explanatory. If you need any help please let me know. I will continue the efforts to have all homeowners register as the board firmly believes the website is the best way to communicate.
If anyone is having a problem registering, not receiving emails, or forgot their password please contact me through my home email or my home phone number 706-8996.
We are planning to clean up the overgrown landscaping around the pool house/tennis court in the spring time. Also, we are going to repaint the pool house during that time. We will be looking for volunteers to help save money on the clean up and possibly the painting. As we get closer I will let you know the date.
Crime Watch
Over the past several months there has been numerous burglaries. Carmel Police department is communicating these incidents through the Crime Watch Captain channels. Our communication to you is if you are registered on the Avian Glen website. If you have not registered please do so
I would like to thank in advance Eric Gilbert, Mike Johnson, Jim Hehner for their volunteerism and commitment toward the Capital Improvement Committee. The committee will also seat Bryan Klepinger and myself. We will be lead by James Murphy our current Treasury. The first meeting was held in January. Stay tune next month for an update.
Pool, ponds, sprinklers, and misc
Quick update on your; pools, ponds, sprinklers, and misc. As you are driving by the ponds you will see rock has been added to protect against erosion. As much as the kids may think we have put the rock there for them to throw in the pond – it is not. We spent $500 dollars per culvert to add the rock. Please watch for kids that are throwing rocks in the Avian Glen ponds. If you see any throwing rocks please reminded them not to.
There has been some interest in us getting a group rate for a cement contractor to repair deteriorated sidewalks. If you are interested please let me know. City of Carmel general requirements 6-222 (b) (2) identify the owners’ responsibility to keep the sidewalks and driveways in proper state of repair and free from hazardous conditions.
Congratulations to Matt and April Meier for winning the first Avian Glen Christmas lighting contest 2008. They won a $50 dollar gift certificate for Mudsocks. Close runners up were Pat and Billie Jones, Scott and Suzie Kirk, and Mike and Stephanie Rokop.
Stay warm,
Bob Percy